General Knowledge Questions with Answers
VK-1 Who was the first chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission?
Ans- Homi Jahangir Bhabha
VK-2 Who is known as the Shakespeare of the world of music?
Ans- Ludwig Wan Beethovan
VK-3 Who was the prime minister which also a recipient of the noble prize?
Ans- Winston Churchill
VK-4 Who was the first Indian Scientist to become a member of parliament?
Ans- Meghanath Saha
VK-5 Who ordered the building of the Great Wall of China?
Ans- Shih Hnang Ti
VK-6 Who is known as the grandmother of Europe?
Ans- Queen Victoria
VK-7 Who singly and jointly held a world record of 1093 patents?
Ans- Thomas Alva Edison
VK-8 Who is known as the father of history?
Ans- Herodotus
VK-9 Who Mugal King ordered to build the Taj Mahal?
Ans- Sheh Jahna
VK-10 Which was the first artificial satellite of India?
Ans- Aryabhatta
VK-11 Who was the first deputy Prime Minister of India?
Ans- Sardar Balabh Bhai Patel
VK-12 Who was the first Indian to win an Oscar?
Ans- Bhanu Athaiya
VK-13 Who was the first speaker of Lok Sabha?
Ans- G V Mavalankar
VK-14 Who was the first Indian woman president of the UN General Assembly?
Ans- Smt. Viajy Laxmi Pandit
VK-15 Who was the first and only Prime Minister of India?
Ans- Indira Gandhi
VK-16 Who was the first woman advocate of India?
Ans- Cornelia Sorabji
VK-17 Who was the first woman IPS officer of India?
Ans- Kiran Bedi
VK-18 Which is the first atomic power station of India?
Ans- Tarapore
VK-19 Who was Pythagoras?
General Knowledge Questions with Answers
Ans- A renowned mathematician.
VK-20 Who is known as the father of Modern Chemistry?
Ans- Antoine Laurent Lavoiser
VK-21 Who was the founder of Homeopathy?
Ans- Samuel Hahnemann
VK-22 Who invented the telephone?
Ans- Alexander Graham Bell
VK-23 Who invented the gramophone?
Ans- Thomas Alva Edision
VK-24 What is the shape of Earth?
Ans- Pear-Shaped
VK-25 How much time the earth takes to rotate on its axis?
Ans- 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds. (Less than 24 hours)
VK-26 What is the temperature of the inner core of the earth??
Ans- 6000 °C (Degree Celcius)
General Knowledge Questions with Answers
VK-27 How much North America is moving away from Europe ev?
Ans- Antoine
VK-28 Which instrument is used for the recording of the heart?
Ans- Cardiograph
VK-29 Which instrument is used to test the purity of milk?
Ans- Lactometer
VK-30 Which instrument is used for detecting the presence of metal?
Ans- Metal Detector
VK-31 Which instrument is used for seeing the object above the sea in a submarine?
Ans- Perioscope
VK-32 Which instrument is used for detecting the direction and position of aircraft?
Ans- Radar
VK-33 Which instrument is used for detecting earthquakes?
Ans- Seismograph
VK-34 Who built the first car in the year 1769?
Ans- Nicolas Joseph
VK-35 Who invented the first piloted helicopter in 1907?
Ans- Paul Cornu
VK-36 Who invented the first steamboat in 1787 and make a successful trail in the Delaware River?
Ans- John Pitch
VK-37 Who invented the first motorcycle in 1885?
Ans- Gottlieb Daimler
VK-38 Which device is used for transmitting written documents?
Ans- Fax Machine
VK-39 Which device is used to record flight data in aircraft?
Ans- Black box
VK-40 Why is the sky blue?
Ans- Due to the scattering of light.
VK-41 Who performed the first Robot-assisted surgery in India?
Ans- Dr Naresh Trehan
VK-42 Who was the first plastic surgeon?
Ans- Sushruta
VK-43 The bones are made of which element?
Ans- Calcium
VK-44 Which vitamin deficiency causes night blindness?
Ans- Vitamin-A
VK-45 Which vitamin deficiency causes scurvy?
Ans- Vitamin-C

Best general knowledge questions book
VK-46 Which vitamin deficiency causes rickets?
Ans- Vitamin-D
VK-47 Which vitamin deficiency causes beriberi?
Ans- Vitamin-B
VK-48 Which mineral deficiency causes anemia?
Ans- Iron
VK-49 How many bones does an adult human have?
Ans- 206
VK-50 Which vaccine is used to cure tuberculosis?
Ans- BCG
General Knowledge Questions with Answers
VK-51 Which pigment is responsible for skin color?
Ans- Melanin
VK-52 Which pigment is responsible for the red color of the blood?
Ans- Haemoglobin
VK-53 Which is the longest bone in the human body?
Ans- Femur
VK-54 Which body organ is affected by jaundice?
Ans- Liver
VK-55 What is the normal body temperature of the human body?
Ans- 98.4 °F
VK-56 Which body organ is affected by typhoid?
Ans- Intestine
VK-57 Which body organ is affected by leukemia?
Ans- Blood
VK-58 Which body organ is affected by Rickets?
Ans- Bones
VK-59 Which body organ is affected by Goitre?
Ans- Front of the neck
VK-60 Which body organ is affected by Eczema?
Ans- Skin
VK-61 Which body organ is affected by Asthma?
Ans- Lungs
VK-62 Which body organ is affected by Pneumonia?
Ans- Lungs
VK-63 Which body organ is affected by cataracts?
Ans- Eyes
VK-64 Which disease is also known as Lockjaw?
Ans- Tetanus
VK-65 Which body organ is mostly affected by COVID-19 or coronavirus?
Ans- Lungs
VK-66 Who performed the first human heart transplant operation?
Ans- Dr. Christian Barnard
VK-67 Which is the hardest bone in the human body?
Ans- Jawbone
VK-68 Who was the first man to travel in space?
Ans- Yuri Gagarin
VK-69 Who was the first woman to travel in space?
Ans- Valentine Tershkova
VK-70 Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
Ans- Neil Armstrong
VK-71 Which device turns the signals into sounds and pictures?
Ans- The television set
VK-72 What is the thickness of the earth’s mantle?
Ans- 2900Km
VK-73 Complete the proverb, “Good things come in small ……………..”
Ans- Small packages
VK-74 Complete the proverb, “Too many cooks spoil the ……………..”
Ans- Broth
VK-75 Complete the proverb, “Better safe than ……………..”
Ans- Sorry
VK-76 Complete the proverb, “Ass is but an ass though laden with……………..”
Ans- Gold
VK-77 Complete the proverb, “A rolling stone gathers no ……………..”
Ans- Moss
VK-78 Complete the proverb, “As you sow, so shall you ……………..”
Ans- Reap
VK-79 Complete the proverb, “Books and friends should be few but ……………..”
Ans- Good
VK-80 Complete the proverb, “No one is rich enough to do without a ……………..”
Ans- Neighbour
VK-81 Complete the proverb, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I …..”
Ans- Understand
VK-82 Complete the proverb, “Jack of all trades, master of ……………..”
Ans- None
VK-83 Complete the proverb, “Empty Vessels make much ……………..”
Ans- Noise
VK-84 Complete the proverb, “Too many cooks spoil the ……………..”
Ans- Broth
VK-85 Who was the author of the nook, “Panchtantra”
Ans- Vishnu Sharma
VK-86 Who is the author of the book “Gitanjali”?
Ans- Rabindranath Tagore
VK-87 Who is the author of the book “Godan”?
Ans- Munshi Prem Chand
VK-88 Who is the author of the book “Jungle Book”?
Ans- Rudyard Kipling
VK-89 Who is the author of the book “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”?
Ans- Mark Twain
VK-90 Who is the author of the book “Gulliver’s Travels”?
Ans- Jonathan Swift
VK-91 Who is the author of the book “The Guide”?
Ans- R.K. Narayan
VK-92 Who is the author of the book “The discovery of India”?
Ans- Jawahar Lal Nehru
VK-93 Who is the author of the book “War and Peace”?
Ans- Leo Tolstoy
VK-94 Who is the author of the book “The Mahabharata”?
Ans- Ved Vyas
VK-95 Who is the author of the book “Midnights Children”?
Ans- Salman Rushdie
VK-96 Who is the author of the book “A Passage to India”?
Ans- E.M Foster
VK-97 Who is the author of the book “As you like it”?
Ans- William Shakespeare
VK-97 Which is the world’s longest-running play?
Ans- The Mouse Trap
In conclusion, “Quiz Your Knowledge: 97 Engaging General Knowledge Questions with Answers” offers an exciting opportunity to test your knowledge and learn new facts across various subjects. Whether you’re a trivia enthusiast or simply looking to expand your understanding, this quiz provides a fun and educational experience. Challenge yourself with a diverse range of questions and discover how much you know about the world around you.
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