Daily Homework (होमवर्क) Class 1 to 8

Instructions: You have to do this homework in your school notebook according to the subject. You have to do this work today itself. After completing your homework, you have to get it signed by your mother or father. Memories the work to be remembered and tell it to your mother/father or any elder member of the house. Do the writing work yourself and write it clearly and beautifully. 

दिशानिर्देश- आपको यह गृहकार्ये अपनी स्कूल की कॉपी में विषयनुसार करना है. आपको यह कार्य आज ही करना है. अपना होमवर्क करने के बाद अपने मम्मी या पापा से हस्ताक्षर करवाना है. याद करने का कार्य याद करके अपने मम्मी/पापा या घर के किसी बड़े सदस्य को सुनाना है. लिखने का कार्य स्वयं और साफ़ और सुन्दर लिखकर करना है.

Class 1 Homework

Homework (24-01-2024)

English: Chapter Clouds

Write word meanings:

1. Cloud ——— बादल

2 Hot ———— गर्म

3 Bring ———- लाना

4 Sing ———– गीत गाना

5 Dance ——— नृत्य

6 Cool ———– ठंडा

7 Rain ———– बारिश

Answer the following questions:

1 What is the colour of sky?

Ans. The colour of sky is blue.

2 What do the clouds bring?

Ans. The clouds bring rain.

3 What is the colour of the clouds that bring us rain?

Ans. Grey and Black clouds bring rain.

4 Do you like to sing and dance in the rain?

Yes! I like to sing and dance in the rain.

Maths Homework:

Do the sum of addition:

a. 45 + 64 = ………..

b. 36 + 92 = ………..

c. 48 + 61 = ………..

d. 52 + 50 = ………..

e. 28 + 51 = ………..

f. 88 + 11 = ………..

Hindi Homework

शब्द अर्थ लिखो

शब्द        अर्थ

1 निर्धन —— गरीब

2 पवन ——– हवा

3 घर्णा ——– नफरत

4 बहादुर —— साहसी

5 सत्य  ——- सच

6 पराया ——- दूसरों का

7 कायर ——- डरपोक

8 मधुर ——–  मीठा

Class 2 Homework

Homework: 16-01-2024


Write word meanings:

1 Heavy ——— भारी  

2 Magic ———— जादू

3 Pretty ———-  सुन्दर  

4 Forest ———– जंगल  

5 Cook ———  पकाना

6 Porridge ———– दलिया  

7 Cook Pot ———– खाना बनाने का बर्तन  

Answer the following questions:

1 Where did Tara go one day?

Ans. One day Tara went to a forest.

  1. What did the old women gave Tara?

Ans. The old woman gave Tara a magic porridge pot.

  1. What did the magic pot cook?

Ans. The magic pot cook porridge.

4. Who said “Do not cook pot”?

Ans. Tara’s mother said “Do not cook pot”.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Tara lived with her mother.

2. She met an old women.

3. Tara was very Happy.

4. The pot started cooking Porridge.

Maths Homework:

Do the sum of addition:

a. 245 + 641 = ………..

b. 236 + 921 = ………..

c. 248 + 612 = ………..

d. 152 + 503 = ………..

e. 328 + 514 = ………..

f. 288 + 115 = ………..

Hindi Homework

शब्द अर्थ लिखो

शब्द        अर्थ

1 निर्धन —— गरीब

2 पवन ——– हवा

3 घर्णा ——– नफरत

4 बहादुर —— साहसी

5 सत्य  ——- सच

6 पराया ——- दूसरों का

7 कायर ——- डरपोक

8 मधुर ——–  मीठा

Class 3 Homework

Homework: 16-01-2024

English Homework:

Write word meaning:

Word                   Meaning

  1. Things सामान
  2. Grown Up व्यस्क
  3. Lots बहुत
  4. Enough पर्याप्त
  5. Chance मौका
  6. Nobody कोई नहीं
  7. Giant बहुत बड़ा
  8. Inside अंदर

Answer the followings:

1 How old is the speaker?

Ans. The speaker is a child.

2 Who are “they” and “them” in the poem?

Ans. They are the parents and them is all the people in the poem.

3 What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

Ans. The speaker is hiding the giant inside him.

Maths Homework:

Do the following sums of multiply:

a. 456 x 6

b. 567 x 8

c. 435 x 5

d. 453 x 4

e. 458 x 9

f. 534 x 7

कंप्यूटर के उपयोग

कंप्यूटर एक ऐसा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण है जो हमें बहुत सारे काम करने में मदद करता है। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम पत्र, रिपोर्ट, और अन्य दस्तावेज़ बना और संपादित कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम इंटरनेट पर जानकारी खोज सकते हैं, वीडियो देख सकते हैं, और गेम खेल सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ ईमेल भेज और प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम संगीत सुन सकते हैं और वीडियो देख सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम गेम खेल सकते हैं और मनोरंजन कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम किसी भी विषय के बारे में जानकारी खोज सकते हैं।

Class 4 Homework

Homework: 16-01-2024

English Grammar Homework:

  1. Write the opposite word:

Word                               Opposite word

  1. Upline (ऊपर वाला) ——–Downline (नीचे वाला)             
  2. Given (देना)————Taken (लेना)
  3. Hardworking (परिश्रमी)————- Lazy (आलसी)
  4. Profit (लाभ) ——— Loss (हानि)
  5. Never (कभी नहीं)———– Always (सदैव)
  6. Near (पास)————— Far (दूर)
  7. God (ईश्वर) ————- Devil (शैतान)
  8. Victory (जीत) ———- Defeat (हार)
  9. Honest (ईमानदार) ———- Dishonest (बैईमान)
  10. Beautiful (सुन्दर)————Ugly (भद्दा)

Maths Homework:

  1. Do the following sums of multiply:
  2. 456 x 63
  3. 567 x 84
  4. 435 x 53
  5. 453 x 44
  6. 458 x 96
  7. 534 x 77
  8. Computer:
    कंप्यूटर के उपयोग

कंप्यूटर एक ऐसा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण है जो हमें बहुत सारे काम करने में मदद करता है। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम पत्र, रिपोर्ट, और अन्य दस्तावेज़ बना और संपादित कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम इंटरनेट पर जानकारी खोज सकते हैं, वीडियो देख सकते हैं, और गेम खेल सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ ईमेल भेज और प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम संगीत सुन सकते हैं और वीडियो देख सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम गेम खेल सकते हैं और मनोरंजन कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम किसी भी विषय के बारे में जानकारी खोज सकते हैं।


Class 5 Homework

Homework: 16-01-2024

English Grammar Homework:

  1. Write the opposite word:

Word                               Opposite word

  1. Upline (ऊपर वाला) ——–Downline (नीचे वाला)             
  2. Given (देना)————Taken (लेना)
  3. Hardworking (परिश्रमी)————- Lazy (आलसी)
  4. Profit (लाभ) ——— Loss (हानि)
  5. Never (कभी नहीं)———– Always (सदैव)
  6. Near (पास)————— Far (दूर)
  7. God (ईश्वर) ————- Devil (शैतान)
  8. Victory (जीत) ———- Defeat (हार)
  9. Honest (ईमानदार) ———- Dishonest (बैईमान)
  10. Beautiful (सुन्दर)————Ugly (भद्दा)

Maths Homework:

  1. Do the following sums of multiply:
  2. 456 x 63
  3. 567 x 84
  4. 435 x 53
  5. 453 x 44
  6. 458 x 96
  7. 534 x 77
  8. Computer:
    कंप्यूटर के उपयोग

कंप्यूटर एक ऐसा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण है जो हमें बहुत सारे काम करने में मदद करता है। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम पत्र, रिपोर्ट, और अन्य दस्तावेज़ बना और संपादित कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम इंटरनेट पर जानकारी खोज सकते हैं, वीडियो देख सकते हैं, और गेम खेल सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ ईमेल भेज और प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम संगीत सुन सकते हैं और वीडियो देख सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम गेम खेल सकते हैं और मनोरंजन कर सकते हैं। कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करके, हम किसी भी विषय के बारे में जानकारी खोज सकते हैं।


Class 6 Homework

Science Homework (24-01-2024)

Solve the following questions in your science notebook with the help of science book and notebook. नीचे दिए गए चैप्टर्स के प्रश्न के उत्तर अपनी साइंस की किताब में अपनी  साइंस की किताब और 

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances

  1. True or False? A car parked in a garage is in motion.
  2. Identify the type of motion (linear, circular, or oscillatory) for each:
    • A child swinging on a playground.
    • A car driving on a straight highway.
    • A ceiling fan spinning.
  3. Calculate the average speed of a bike that travels 12 km in 2 hours.
  4. Draw a distance-time graph for a ball rolling down a hill, starting from rest and then stopping. Label the axes and explain the slope.
  5. Explain the difference between speed and velocity.

Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    • Light travels in ____________ lines.
    • A shadow is formed when an object ____________ light.
    • A reflection is formed when light ____________ off a surface.
  2. Explain the difference between a transparent, translucent, and opaque object. Give examples of each.
  3. Draw a ray diagram to show how a mirror reflects light. Label the incident ray, reflected ray, and normal.
  4. Explain how shadows help us determine the direction of a light source.
  5. Describe the formation of a rainbow and the colors involved.

Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits

  1. Match the following:
    • Cell | Stores electrical energy
    • Circuit | A closed path for electricity to flow
    • Conductor | Allows electricity to flow easily
    • Insulator | Does not allow electricity to flow easily
  2. Draw a simple electric circuit with a battery, bulb, and switch. Label the components and explain the flow of electricity.
  3. Identify the materials used for making:
    • Electric wires
    • Handles of electrical appliances
  4. Explain the function of a switch in a circuit.
  5. List some safety precautions to follow while using electrical appliances.

Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets

  1. Multiple Choice: What attracts or repels each other?
    • a. North poles of two magnets
    • b. South poles of two magnets
    • c. Both north and south poles of two magnets
    • d. None of the above
  2. Explain the difference between natural and artificial magnets. Give examples of each.
  3. Draw a diagram to show the magnetic field around a bar magnet. Label the north and south poles.
  4. Describe an activity to demonstrate the attraction and repulsion of magnets.
  5. Explain how magnets are used in compasses and speakers.

Class 7 Homework

Science Homework: 24-01-2024.  नीचे दिए कार्य को अपनी साइंस की नोटबुक में लिखकर याद करें 

Chapter 12 : Reproduction in Plants

Q. 1 What is reproduction?

Ans: Reproduction is the biological process by which new individuals of the same species are produced.

Q. 2 What are the two main types of plant reproduction?

Ans. The two main types of plant reproduction are:

1. Sexual reproduction: involves the fusion of male and female sex cells (gametes).

2. Asexual reproduction: new plants are produced from the vegetative parts of a parent plant without gametes.

Q. 3 What is the male reproductive part of a flower called?

Ans: Stamen: It consists of a stalk (filament) and a sac (anther) that contains pollen grains.

Q. 4 What is the female reproductive part of a flower called?

Ans: Pistil: It consists of a sticky tip (stigma), a style, and an ovary containing ovules.

Q. 5 What is the process of transferring pollen grains from the stamen to the stigma called?Ans: Pollination: This can be done by wind, insects, or other agents.

Q. 6 What happens after successful pollination?

Ans: Fertilization: The male gamete (sperm) from the pollen grain fuses with the female gamete (egg) in the ovule.

Q. 7 What develops from the fertilized ovule?

Ans: Seed: It contains an embryo (baby plant), food stored for the embryo, and a protective seed coat.

Q. 8 What is the process of a seed giving rise to a new plant called?

Ans: Germination: It requires favorable conditions like moisture, warmth, and air.

Q. 9 Give an example of a plant that reproduces by vegetative propagation using leaves.

Ans: Bryophyllum (begonia): New plants can grow from leaf buds at the edges of its leaves.

Q. 10 Give an example of a plant that reproduces by vegetative propagation using stem.

Ans: Potato: New potato plants can sprout from “eyes” (buds) on the potato itself.

Q. 11 What is the importance of seed dispersal for plants?

Ans: It helps plants avoid competition for space and resources with their parent plant and colonize new areas.

Chapter 13: Motion and Time

Q.1: Differentiate between rest and motion?

Answer: An object is at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings. If an object changes its position with respect to its surroundings, it is in motion. For example, a parked car is at rest, while a moving car is in motion.

Q.2: Name the three main types of motion.

Answer: The three main types of motion are:

  • Linear motion: Movement in a straight line, like a car moving on a highway.
  • Circular motion: Movement in a circular path, like a merry-go-round or the Earth orbiting the Sun.
  • Oscillatory motion: Movement back and forth about a fixed position, like a pendulum or a swing. 

Q.3:  What is the SI unit of speed?

Answer: The SI unit of speed is meters per second (m/s).
Q.4: How can we calculate the average speed of an object?
Answer: The average speed of an object can be calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken. Average speed = total distance / total time.

Q.5: What is a distance-time graph, and how can it be used to find the speed of an object?Answer: A distance-time graph is a graph that shows the relationship between the distance traveled by an object and the time taken. The slope of the graph represents the speed of the object. A steeper slope indicates a higher speed.
Q.6: Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform motion.
Answer: In uniform motion, the object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time. In non-uniform motion, the object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time.
Q.7: What is the time period of a pendulum?
Answer: The time period of a pendulum is the time taken for it to complete one full oscillation (to and fro movement).
Q.8: Give an example of a motion that is both linear and oscillatory.
Answer: The motion of a swing is both linear (when the seat moves back and forth) and oscillatory (when the swing moves up and down).
Q.9: What is the importance of measuring time?
Answer: Measuring time helps us understand and organize our daily lives. We use time to schedule events, measure the duration of activities, and study the changes that occur around us.
Q.10: How can we estimate the speed of a moving object without using any instruments?Answer: We can estimate the speed of a moving object by comparing its motion to familiar objects with known speeds. For example, if a car passes you faster than a bicycle but slower than a bus, you can estimate its speed to be somewhere between the speed of a bicycle and a bus.

Class 8 Homework

Science Homework: 24-01-2024.  नीचे दिए कार्य को अपनी साइंस की नोटबुक में लिखकर याद करें 

Chapter 6 : Reproduction in Animals

Q. 1 What is reproduction?

Ans: Reproduction is the biological process by which new individuals of the same species are produced.

Q. 2 What is the importance of reproduction?

Ans: It ensures the continuation of a species and the passing on of genetic information.

Q. 3 What are the types of reproduction in animals?

Ans: Animals has two modes of reproduction: sexual and asexual reproduction.

Q. 4 What is asexual reproduction?

Ans: Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring without the involvement of gametes or fertilization.

Q. 5 What is  are different modes of asexual reproduction?

Ans: The different modes of asexual reproduction are:

1. Binary fission: The parent organism divides into two equal-sized daughter organisms (e.g., Amoeba).

2. Budding: A small projection forms on the parent organism and grows into a new organism (e.g., Hydra).

3. Fragmentation: The parent organism breaks into fragments, and each fragment develops into a new organism (e.g., Planaria).

4. Spore formation: Specialized cells called spores are produced, which can develop into new organisms (e.g., fungi).

Q. 6 What is  sexual mode of reproduction?

Ans: It involves the fusion of male and female gametes, resulting in the formation of offspring. – It requires the production of specialized reproductive cells (gametes) through meiosis.

Examples of Sexual Reproduction

  • Mammals: Sexual reproduction in humans, dogs, cats, etc.
  • Birds: Sexual reproduction in sparrows, eagles, peacocks, etc.
  • Fish: Sexual reproduction in goldfish, salmon, clownfish, etc.
  • Insects: Sexual reproduction in butterflies, bees, ants, etc.

Q. 7 What  are different male reproductive organs of human?

Ans: Male reproductive organs are testes, sperm ducts, and penis.

Q. 8 What  are different male reproductive organs of human?

Ans: Female reproductive organs are: Ovaries, oviducts (fallopian tubes), uterus, and vagina.

Q. 9 What is fertilization?

Ans: Fertilization: The fusion of sperm and egg (ovum) to form a zygote is called fertilization.  

Q.10  What are Oviparous animals? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Oviparous Animals – Oviparous animals lay eggs outside their body. – The development of the embryo occurs outside the parent’s body. Examples: Birds, reptiles (like snakes and turtles).

Q.11  What are Viviparous animals? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Viviparous Animals – Viviparous animals give birth to fully developed young ones. – The development of the embryo occurs inside the parent’s body.

Examples: Mammals like humans, dogs, cats, etc.

Q.10  What are Ovoviviparous animals? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Ovoviviparous Animals – Ovoviviparous animals produce eggs that develop inside the parent’s body. – The offspring hatch from the eggs inside the parent and are then born alive.

Examples: Some species of sharks, snakes, and insects.

 Chapter 7 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Q.1  What is Adolescence? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood, marked by physical, psychological, and emotional changes.

Q.2  What is Puberty? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Puberty: It is the stage of development during which a person becomes sexually mature and capable of reproduction. Puberty is triggered by the release of hormones that lead to physical changes such as the growth of body hair, deepening of the voice in boys, breast development in girls, and the onset of menstruation in girls. 

For example, a boy experiencing puberty may notice the growth of facial hair, while a girl may experience breast development.

Q.3  What are secondary sexual characteristics? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Secondary sexual characteristics: Secondary sexual characteristics are physical features that develop during puberty and help distinguish between males and females.

Explanation: Examples of secondary sexual characteristics include the growth of facial hair in males, development of breasts in females, broadening of shoulders in males, and widening of hips in females. These characteristics are the result of hormonal changes during adolescence.

Q.3  What are hormonal changes? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes refer to the fluctuations in the levels of hormones in the body during adolescence.

Explanation: The release of hormones, such as estrogen in females and testosterone in males, leads to various changes in the body, including the development of sexual organs, growth spurts, and changes in mood and emotions. For instance, increased levels of testosterone in boys contribute to the growth of facial hair and deepening of the voice.

Q.4  What are Emotional Changes? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Emotional changes: Emotional changes refer to the psychological shifts and fluctuations in emotions that occur during adolescence.

Explanation: Adolescents often experience intense emotions, mood swings, and a heightened sense of self-awareness. They may also face challenges in managing their emotions and dealing with peer pressure. For example, an adolescent may feel excited and happy one moment but become irritable or sad shortly after.

Q.5  What is the meaning of reproductive health? Explain with suitable examples.

Ans: Reproductive health: Reproductive health refers to the overall well-being and functioning of the reproductive system.

Explanation: It is crucial for adolescents to have knowledge about reproductive health, including menstrual hygiene, safe sex practices, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Education and awareness about reproductive health can help adolescents make informed decisions and maintain their physical and mental well-being.