Kids Science Academy (KSA Study Materials )

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Sample Papers Class (6-8)

Science 6 Class FA-03 and FA-04 Papers

Kids Science Academy

Examination FA-03 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VI          M.M. 20

Do any two of the followings: 4Marks

  1. Write notes on:

a. Railways

b. Roadways

2. Write notes on:

a. Opaque objects

b. Luminous object

3. Write notes on:

a. conductors

b. insulators

 Answer any 4 of the followings: (2 x 4 = 8 Marks)

  1. Give some examples of terrestrial habitat.
  2. What are different modes of transportation? Give examples also.
  3. What are the different units of measurement?
  4. What is habitat? What are the components of habitat?
  5. What are the characteristics of living things.
  6. What is motion? Explain the types of motion.

Do any 4 of the following (2x 4 = 8 Marks)

  1. How does shadow formed explain with diagram.
  2. Explain the working of pinhole camera.
  3. Explain reflection of light with diagram.
  4. What are the types of mirror. Draw diagram.
  5. Draw the diagram of electric circuit.
  6. The height of the person is 1.65m. Express it into in cm and mm.

Kids Science Academy, School

Examination FA-04 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VI          M.M. 20

Answer any 6 of the followings: (2 6 = 12 Marks)

  1. How can you find direction with a magnet?
  2. What are magnetic and non-magnetic substances?
  3. Draw the shapes of different types of magnets with name
  4. What is air?
  5. What gas is necessary for living organisms?
  6. How plants and animals depends on each other?
  7. What are the types of pole?


Fill in the blanks: 4 Marks

  1. Artificial magnets are made in different shapes such as ………………………………….. and …………………..
  2. The materials which are attracted towards a magnet are called ……………………
  3. Paper is not a ……………………………….. material.
  4. In olden days sailors used to find direction by suspending a piece of ……………………………..

True and False 4Marks

  1. A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.
  2. Similar poles of magnet repel each other.
  3. Bar magnet always point towards North-Pole Direction.
  4. Artificial magnets were discovered in Greece.


Science Sample Questions Class 7

Kids Science Academy

Examination FA-03 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VII           M.M. 20


Answer any 8 of the followings: (1 8 = 08 Marks)

  1. What is cellular respiration?
  2. Explain the types of cellular respiration.
  3. What are the parts of our circulatory system.
  4. What is the composition of blood?
  5. What are the components of blood?
  6. What is breathing rate?
  7. What are the chambers of human heart?
  8. What is stethoscope?
  9. What is excretion?


Answer any 4 questions: (3 4 = 12 Marks)

  1. What is chemical change? Explain with example.
  2. What is physical change? Explain with examples.
  3. What is rusting of iron? How can we prevent rusting?
  4. Draw the diagram of circulation of blood.
  5. Draw the diagram of heart.
  6. Draw the diagram of excretory system.
  7. Draw the diagram of breathing system.

Kids Science Academy, School

Examination FA-04 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VII           M.M. 20

Answer any 10 of the followings: (2 10 = 20 Marks)

  1. What is reproduction? What are the main types of reproduction?
  2. What is pollination?
  3. What is germination?
  4. What is fertilization?
  5. What is the importance of seed dispersal plants?
  6. What are the types of motion?
  7. What is the SI Unit of speed?
  8. How can you calculate average speed of an object?
  9. Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform motion.
  10. What are the effects of electric current?
  11. What is Fuse?
  12. What is battery? Explain with diagram.
  13. Draw the diagram of an electric circuit?

Draw and write the symbols of electrical components:

a. Electric cell 

b. Switch On

c. Battery  

d. Switch Off



Science Sample Question Papers

Kids Science Academy, School

Examination FA-03 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VIII           M.M. 20

Answer any 10 of the followings: (2 10 = 20 Marks)

  1. What is deforestation? What are the consequences of deforestation?
  2. What are protected areas? Give examples.
  3. What is flora? Define with examples.
  4. What is fauna? Define with examples.
  5. What are endemic species? Define with examples.
  6. What are endangered species? Define with examples.
  7. What is Red Data Book?
  8. What is force? What are the three uses of force?
  9. What is friction?
  10. What is pressure?
  11. What are lubricants?
  12. What is eardrum?
  13. What is gravitational force?
  14. What is electrostatic force
  15. What are the types of forces. Give examples.
                                                                    Kids Science Academy, School

Examination FA-04 (Science) (2023-24)

Name: …………….. Class: VIII           M.M. 20

A.  Answer any 10 of the followings: (2 10 = 20 Marks)

1.     What is reproduction? What is the importance of reproduction?

2.     What is asexual reproduction?

3.     What is sexual mode of reproduction? Give examples.

4.     What is fertilization?

5.     What is adolescence? Explain with suitable examples.

6.     What are hormones? Explain with examples.

7.      What is Electroplating? Explain with examples.

8.      Does pure water conduct electricity? If not, what can we do to make it conducting?

9.      Fill in the blanks:

a.      Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of ………………., ………………. and ………………………

b.      The passage of an electric current through a solution causes …………………….. effects.

c.      If you pass current through copper sulphate solution, copper gets deposited on the plate connected to the ………………………..  negative terminal of the battery.

d.      The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called ………………………………..

10.  Prepare a list of objects around you that are electroplated?

11.  What are electrolytes? Define with examples.

12.  What are electric cells?

English Grammar Sample Question Paper


1. What are the identities of past continuous tense? 

2. What are the rules of past continuous tense? 

3. What are the identities of past perfect tense? 

4. What are the rules of past perfect tense? 

5. What are the identities of future continuous tense? 

6. What are the rules of future continuous tense? 

7. What are the identities of future perfect tense? 

8. What are the rules of future perfect tense? 

9. Write an application for sick leave to your Principal.

10. Write an application to your city chairmen to attention for dirty conditions.

11. Write Essay on the followings:

a. Health is Wealth

b. Good Manners

12. Read unseen paragraph and answer the questions:

Maya skipped down the bustling street, her backpack bouncing with excitement. The bakery window displayed an array of mouthwatering pastries – flaky croissants, glistening donuts, and delicate cupcakes. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of her promise to bring treats for her classmates’ movie night. With a ten-rupee note clutched in her hand, she entered the bakery, the warm aroma of freshly baked bread filling her senses.

1. Where is Maya going, and why is she excited? 

Answer: Maya is going to the bakery because she wants to buy treats for her classmates’ movie night.)

2. What details from the passage describe the bakery window? 

Answer: The bakery window displays an array of mouthwatering pastries, including flaky croissants, glistening donuts, and delicate cupcakes.)

3. What word is used to describe the smell in the bakery? 

Answer: Warm)

Imagine you are with Maya in the bakery. What other sights, sounds, or smells might you experience? 

Answer: You might see other customers browsing the pastries, hear the clinking of cash registers, or smell the sweet aroma of different types of bread and pastries baking.

Q. 13. Translate into English.

स्कूल के बाद, रिया अपने दादा जी के साथ बगीचे में टहलने गईं। चारों तरफ हरे-भरे पेड़-पौधे लहरा रहे थे। रंग-बिरंगे फूल हवा में मीठी खुशबू बिखेर रहे थे. कुछ चिड़ियाँ पेड़ों की डालों पर चहचहा रहीं थीं। इस शांत वातावरण में रिया और उनके दादा जी दोनों को बहुत अच्छा लग रहा था।

रोहित कल यहाँ आया था  सुधा ने अपना काम नहीं किया सचिन आज कहाँ गया था ? वह सड़क पर दौड़ रही थी हम नदी में स्नान नहीं कर रहे थे क्या तुम्हारा भाई घडी खरीद रहा था? तुम किसे बुला रहे थे? पिताजी के आने से पहले में सो चूका था  क्या तुम्हे तीन दिन से बुखार नहीं आ रहा था?  शिकारी हिरण नहीं मार रहा होगा I

Q. 14. Translate into Hindi.

The market smelled amazing, like a mix of all your favorite spices. It was crowded and loud, with people talking and music playing. There were tables everywhere selling colorful fruits and vegetables, shiny scarves, and beautiful pottery. People from all over the world were there, looking at things and talking excitedly. It was like a big, fun party!



GK Sample Paper For SA-02

Section-A: Answer the following questions:

1. Subramaniam is the most popular ………………….. of India?

a. Violin Player ( Right )            b. Sitar Player (x)

2. Dr. Zakir Husain is the most popular ……………….. of India?

a. Sitar Player (x )            b. Tabla Player (Right)

3.  What are Eden Garden and The Oval?

a. Hotels (x )            b. Cricket Stadium (Right)

4.  Did the Mahatma Gandhi receive the Nobel Prize?

a. Yes (x )            b. No(Right)

5.  In which state is the hill station of Munar?

a. Uttarakhand  (x )            b. Kerala (Right)

6. Hari Prasad Chaurasia is the most popular …………. of India?

a. Tabla Player  (x )            b. Flute Player (Right)

7. If someone has diabetes, what is the status of his/her sugar level?

a. Low  (x )            b. High (Right)

8. Bodhgaya, in Bihar, is sacred site for people following which religion?

a. Jainism (x )            b. Buddhism (Right)

9. What is the Mount (vehicle) of Lord Vishnu?

a. Garuda (Right)            b. Nandi(x)

10. Which civilization is famous for mummies and pyramids?

a. Egyptian (Right)            b. Chinese (x)

11. To what is the term ‘Light Year’ related to?

a. Speed (x)            b. Distance (Right)

12. What is acetic acid commonly called?

a. Sugar (x)            b. Vineagar (Right)

13. Which is the largest state in India area-wise?

a. UttarPradesh (x)            b. Rajasthan (Right)

14. Which gas is responsible for green house effect?

a. Oxygen (x)            b. Carbon dioxide (Right)

15. What is cooking gas also known as?

a. LPG (Right)            b. CNG (x)

16. With which state are Kumaon and Garhwal associated?

a. Uttarakhand (Right)            b. Uttar Pradesh (x)

17. Which award is given for bravery in battle?

a. Padam Shri (x)            b. Vir Chakra (Right)

18. Which is the largest state in India area wise?

a. Uttar Pradesh (x)            b. Rajasthan (Right)

19. With which civilization will you associate the city of Machu Picchu?

a. Inca (Right)            b. Mayan (x)

20. In which country does Mount Kilimanjaro stands?

a. Tanzania (Right)            b. Kenya (x)

21. The National Calendar of India is …..

Ans. Saka

22. Bird, Deuce, double drop, fault, let, Lob are associated with which game?

a. Badminton (Right)            b. Polo (x)     c. Hockey (x)

23. Advantage, Back-stick, Bully, Carry, Central Forward, and corner are associated with which game?

a. Football (x)            b. Judo (x)     c. Hockey (Right)

24. Blocking, Jump ball, Pivot, Free Throw, Held Ball are associated with which game?

a. Basket Ball (Right)            b. Billiards  (x)

25. Best-ball foursome, Begey, Bunker, Caddie and Dormy are associated with which game?

a. Golf  (Right)            b. Baseball  (x)

26. Dhyan Chand Stadium is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (Right)            b. Baseball  (x)       c. Cricket  (x)

27. Brookland (England) is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (Right)       c. Cricket  (x)

28. White City (England) is associated with which game?

a. Greyhourd Racing  (Right)            b. Football  (x)       c. Cricket  (x)

29. National Stadium (New Delhi) is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (Right)            b. Football  (x)       c. Cricket  (x)

30. Sawai Mansingh Stadium (New Delhi) is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (x)       c. Cricket  (Right)

31. Eden Gardens Stadium (Kolkata) is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (x)       c. Cricket  (Right)

32. Erza Cup is associated with which game?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (x)       c. Polo  (Right)

33. Olympic Games are played after every …………….. years ?

a. Two (x)            b. Three (x)       c. Four (Right)

34. The National Game of USA is?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (x)       c. Baseball (Right)

35. The National Game of China is?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Football  (x)       c. Table Tennis (Right)

36. The National Game of England is?

a. Hockey (x)            b. Cricket  (Right)       c. Table Tennis (x)

37. The National Game of India is?

a. Hockey (Right)            b. Cricket  (x)       c. Table Tennis (x)

38. The National Game of Malasia is?

a. Badminton (Right)            b. Cricket  (x)       c. Table Tennis (x)

39. The skating playground name is called?

a. Field (x)            b. Stadium (x)       c. Arena (Right)

40. The Golf playground name is called?

a. Field (x)            b. Link (Right)       c. Arena (x)

41. What is the playing time of Indian National Anthem?

a. 32 Seconds (x)            b. 42 Seconds(x)       c. 52 Seconds (Right)

42. What is the disease caused by mosquito?

a. Dengue (Right)            b. Cholera (x)       c. Corona Virus (x)

43. Cardiology is the study of which human organ?

a. Liver (x)            b. Brain (x)       c. Heart (Right)

44. What country is known as the land of cakes?

a. Thailand  (x)            b. America (x)       c. Scotland (Right)

45. What is Mauna Loa?

a. A river (x)            b. A Drawing (x)       c. A Volcano (Right)

46. Which award is equal to Nobel Prize of Music?

a. Arjun Award (x)            b. Lata Award (x)       c. Polar Music Award (Right)

47. The boy lost in the Jungle of Central India?

a. Harry Potter (x)            b. Peter Pan (x)       c. Mogli (Right)

48. The little boy who never grow up?

a. Harry Potter (x)            b. Peter Pan (Right)       c. Mogli (x)

49.A little girl who, full of curiosity, follows white rabbit. falls into a hole.

a. Alice (Right)            b. Dorothy (x)       c. Gulliver (x)

50. A little girl whose house in Kansas is carried away during a cyclonic storm and set down on the magical land of Oz.

a. Alice (x)            b. Dorothy (Right)       c. Gulliver (x)

51. What is the full form of WTO?

a. World Trade Organization (Right)   b. World Trade Office (x)

52. What is the full form of IAF?

a. Indian Air Force (Right)   b. India Air Force (x)

53. What is the full form of GPO?

a. General Postal Order (x)   b. General Post Office (Right)

54. What is the full form of CBI?

a. Central Bureau of Investigation (Right)   b. Control Bureau of Investigation (x)

55. What is the full form of IAS?

a. Indian Administrative Service (Right)   b. India Active Service (x)

56. What is the full form of PCS?

a. Police Complain Service (x)   b. Provincial Civil Service (Right)

57. What is the full form of NDA?

a. National Defence Academy (Right)   b. New Democratic Academy(x)

58. What is called the group of Birds?

a. Flock (Right)   b. Herd(x)  c. Pride (x)

59. What is called the group of Lions?

a. Flock (x)   b. Herd(x)  c. Pride (Right)

60. What is called the group of sheep?

a. Flock (x)   b. Herd(Right)  c. Pride (x)

61. What is called the group of ship?

a. Stud (x)   b. Herd(x)  c. Fleet (Right)

62. What is called the group of horses?

a. Stud (Right)   b. Herd(x)  c. Fleet (x)

63. What is called the group of stars?

a. Stud (x)   b. Herd(x)  c. Cluster (Right)

64. What is called the group of bees?

a. Stud (x)   b. Herd(x)  c.Swarm (Right)

65. What is the sound of a thunder?

a. Pop (x)   b. Jungle(x)  c. Clap (Right)

66. What is the sound of a cork?

a. Pop (Right)   b. Jungle(x)  c. Clap (x)

67. What is the sound of chains?

a. Pop (x)   b. Jungle(Right)  c. Clap (x)

68. What is the sound of coins?

a. Pop (x)   b. Ching (Right)  c. Clap (x)

69. Better late …………………………….

a. than nothing  (x)   b. than late (Right)  c. win the race(x)

70. Something is better  …………………………….

a. than nothing  (Right)   b. than late (x)  c. win the race(x)

71. Slow and study …………………………….

a. than nothing  (x)   b. than late (x)  c. win the race(Right)

72. He became the first living being to go into space in 1957.

a. Laika (Right)     b. Yuri Gagarin (x)      c. Sunita William (x)

73. He became the first person to go in space in1961.

a. Laika (x)     b. Yuri Gagarin (Right)      c. Sunita William (x)

74. She became the world’s first lady to spend a record of 192 days in space in 2007.

a. Laika (x)     b. Kalana Chawla (x)      c. Sunita William (Right)

75. She became the first Indian lady to go into space in 1997.

a. Kalpana Chawla (Right)     b. Anousheh Ansari (x)      c. Sunita William (x)

76. She became the world’s first space tourist in 2006

a. Kalpana Chawla (x)     b. Anousheh Ansari (Right)      c. Sunita William (x)

77. Computer language COBOL was developed  by.

a. Grace Hopper (Right)     b. Thomas Edison (x)      c. Elisha Otis (x)

78. The light bulb was invented  by.

a. Grace Hopper (x)     b. Thomas Edison (Right)      c. Elisha Otis (x)

79. The elevator was invented  by.

a. Grace Hopper (x)     b. Thomas Edison (x)      c. Elisha Otis (Right)

80. The canned food was invented  by.

a. Grace Hopper (x)     b. Nicolas Appert (Right)      c. Elisha Otis (x)

81. The Helicopter was invented  by.

a. Grace Hopper (x)     b. Nicolas Appert (x)      c. Igor Sikorsky (Right)

82. The dermatologist treat the …………………. diseases.

a. Skin (Right)          b. Heart (x)         c. Brain (x)

83. The Cardiologist treat the …………………. diseases.

a. Skin (x)          b. Heart (Right)         c. Brain (x)

84. The Neurologist treat the …………………. diseases.

a. Skin (x)          b. Heart (x)         c. Brain (Right)

85. The Oncologist treat the …………………. diseases.

a. Cancer (Right)          b. Eye (x)         c. Nose (x)

86. Olfactory means to do with the sense of:

a. Smell (Right)          b. Sight (x)         c. Touch (x)

87. Glucose, Fructose and sucrose are example of:

a. Carbohydrates (Right)          b. Fats (x)         c. Proteins (x)

87. Retina and Cornea are parts of:

a. Skin (x)          b. Nose  (x)         c. Eyes (Right)

88. Nerve cells are also called:

a. Coves (x)          b. Rods  (x)         c. Neurons (Right)

89.Bowman’s capsule is a parts of:

a. Heart (x)          b. Lungs  (x)         c. Kidney (Right)

90. Your largest sense receptor is:

a. Skin (Right)          b. Nose  (x)         c. Eyes (x)

91. Rust turn an iron object:

a. Black (x)          b. Green (x)         c. Brown (Right)

92. The natural satellite of earth is :

a. Sun(x)          b. Mercury  (x)         c. Moon (Right)

93.Which is the third planet of our solar system:

a. Mercury(x)          b. Earth  (Right)         c. Venus(x)