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Project Files, Assignments, Reports and Other Study Materials
Are you a student looking for comprehensive and well-structured project and assignment files? Look no further! Your One-Stop Destination for Project Files, Assignment Files, Sample Papers and Other Study Materials for School Students. हमारी इस वेबसाइट पर आपको सभी क्लासेज की प्रोजेक्ट फाइल्स, असाइनमेंट , और आपकी क्लास से सम्बंधित अन्य सभी अध्ययन सामग्री आपकी जरुरत के अनुसार उपलब्ध कराई जाती है I
Our website offers a wide range of project and assignment files for students of all classes and subjects. With our extensive collection of resources, we aim to support and enhance your learning experience.
ये सभी फाइल्स, और अध्ययन सामग्री सभी क्लासेज के सभी विषयों पर आपको आपके टीचर के द्बवारा बताये गए दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार तैयार कर आपको उपलब्ध करायी जायेगी I इससे आपको अपनी प्रोजेक्ट या असाइनमेंट फाइल को कम समय में तैयार करने में आसानी होगी I
Why Choose Our Study Materials?
We are providing study materials as per Latest National Curriculum Framework/CBSE/NEP-2020. We prepare your project file/assignment file as per instructions given by your teacher.
CBSE Project Files
यदि आप CBSE Board के student हो आप नहीं जानते की Project File कैसे बनाये तो आप सही Website पर हो यहाँ पर आपको CBSE की Guidelines के अनुसार बनी Project Files दी जा रही है आप अपने Subject की Project File हमसे Buy कर सकते है, यदि आपको अपने Subject पर या उसके किसी Particular Topic पर कोई Project File नहीं मिलती तो आप अपने किसी भी Subject के किसी भी Topic पर अपनी Custom Project File हमसे बनवा सकते हैं
Hindi Project Files for Class 10:
1. सूरदास के पद (Handwritten File)
2. स्वामी तुलसीदास (Handwritten File)
2. स्वामी तुलसीदास (Handwritten File)
3. जयशंकर प्रसाद (Handwritten File)
4. व्याकरण लेखन – पत्र लेखन, विज्ञापन, अनुच्छेद लेखन, और ईमेल लेखन (Handwritten File)
5. सपनों के से दिन
4. व्याकरण लेखन – पत्र लेखन, विज्ञापन, अनुच्छेद लेखन, और ईमेल लेखन (Handwritten File)
5. सपनों के से दिन
Download CBSE Class 10 Hindi Project Files: Click Here
English Project Files for Class 10:
1. Glimpses of India (Handwritten File)
2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (Handwritten File)
2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (Handwritten File)
3. A Letter to the God (Handwritten File)
4. My Favorite Book, Poverty in India, Benefits of Co-Education (Handwritten File)
5. From the Diary of Anne Frank (Handwritten File)
6. Two Stories About Flying. (Handwritten File)
7. The Hundred Dresses Part-1
8. The Hundred Dresses Part-2
6. Two Stories About Flying. (Handwritten File)
7. The Hundred Dresses Part-1
8. The Hundred Dresses Part-2
Download CBSE Class 10 English Project Files: Click Here
You can get the pdf of project files after payment of Rs. 50/- per file on your email or WhatsApp. If you need a project file on any special topic given by your school teacher, We can provide the project file on your topic after the payment of Rs. 100/- per file. (Maximum Pages 10). For this you can contact to us on our whatsapp number 9627056555.
Science Project Files for Class 10:
Chemistry of Carbon Compounds (Handwritten File)
2. Chemical Reactions (Handwritten File)
2. Chemical Reactions (Handwritten File)
3. Chemistry of Acids and Bases (Handwritten File)
4. Chemistry of Salts (Handwritten File)
5. Control and Co-ordination in Plants (Handwritten File)
6. Control and Co-ordination in Animals (Handwritten File)
7. Heredity (Handwritten File)
8. Evolution (Handwritten File)
9. Reflection of Light (Handwritten File)
6. Control and Co-ordination in Animals (Handwritten File)
7. Heredity (Handwritten File)
8. Evolution (Handwritten File)
9. Reflection of Light (Handwritten File)
10. Refraction of Light (Handwritten File)
11. Electric Current (Handwritten File)
12. Magnetic Effect of Electric Current (Handwritten File)
13. Biotic Components of Environment (Handwritten File)
14. Abiotic Components of Environment (Handwritten File)
15. Acid Rain (Handwritten File)
16. Global Warming (Handwritten File)
17. Green House Effects (Handwritten File)
18. Natural Disasters (Handwritten File)
19. Properties of Metals (Handwritten File)
11. Electric Current (Handwritten File)
12. Magnetic Effect of Electric Current (Handwritten File)
13. Biotic Components of Environment (Handwritten File)
14. Abiotic Components of Environment (Handwritten File)
15. Acid Rain (Handwritten File)
16. Global Warming (Handwritten File)
17. Green House Effects (Handwritten File)
18. Natural Disasters (Handwritten File)
19. Properties of Metals (Handwritten File)
Download CBSE Class 10 Science Project Files: Click Here
You can get the pdf of project files after payment of Rs. 50/- per file on your email or WhatsApp. If you need a project file on any special topic given by your school teacher, We can provide the project file on your topic after the payment of Rs. 100/- per file. (Maximum Pages 10). For this you can contact to us on our whatsapp number 9627056555.
Social Science Project Files
Part 1: History
- Topic 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- Topic 2: The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China
- Topic 3: Nationalism in India
- Topic 4: Making of a Global World
Part 2: Geography
- Topic 1: Resources and Development
- Topic 2: Water Resources
- Topic 3: Land Resources
- Topic 4: Mineral and Energy Resources
- Topic 5: Agriculture
- Topic 6: Industries
- Topic 7: Lifelines of National Economy
Part 3: Political Science
- Topic 1: Power Sharing
- Topic 2: Federalism
- Topic 3: Citizenship
- Topic 4: Democracy in the Contemporary World
Part 4: Economics
- Topic 1: Development
- Topic 2: Sectors of the Indian Economy
- Topic 3: Money and Banking
- Topic 4: Globalisation and the Indian Economy
Part 5: Disaster Management
- Topic 1: Introduction to Disaster Management
- Topic 2: Floods
- Topic 3: Cyclones
- Topic 4: Earthquakes
- Topic 5: Other Geological Disasters
- Topic 6: Biological Disasters
- Topic 7: Chemical Disasters
You can get the pdf of project files after payment of Rs. 50/- per file on your email or WhatsApp. If you need a project file on any special topic given by your school teacher, We can provide the project file on your topic after the payment of Rs. 100/- per file. (Maximum Pages 10). For this you can contact to us on our whatsapp number 9627056555.
Cover Pages For Project Files
Get your customize Cover Pages/Front Pages for your project work files in English and Hindi. Contact us on Our WhatsApp Number: 9627056555
1. School Cover Pages
2. College Cover Pages