Competitive Exams based Facts on Solar and Lunar Eclipses for NDA, SSC, UPSC, CAT, MAT, CTET, Railways, Bank and PO Exams.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Eclipses are one of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomena. When the Sun, Moon, and Earth align perfectly, the Moon can block out the Sun’s light in a solar eclipse, or the Earth can block out the Sun’s light from the Moon in a lunar eclipse. These events are rare and unpredictable, making them even more special.
Solar and lunar Eclipses are awe-inspiring celestial events that have captivated humanity for centuries. These fascinating occurrences involve the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, resulting in the temporary darkening or obscuring of one celestial body by another. In this post, we will delve into the various types of eclipses, their unique characteristics, and the mesmerizing sights they offer.
Types of eclipses: Solar and Lunar Eclipses:
1. Solar Eclipse: When the Moon Hides the Sun
A solar eclipse takes place when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on our planet. Discover the two main types of solar eclipses: total and partial. Learn about the path of totality, where lucky observers can witness the complete blocking of the Sun’s disk, revealing the beautiful corona.
MCQs on solar eclipse for competitive exams:
When does a solar eclipse occur?
- A. When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth.
- B. When the Earth is between the Sun and Moon.
- C. When the Sun is between the Earth and Moon.
- D. None of the above.
- Answer: A.
What is the type of solar eclipse that occurs when the Moon completely covers the Sun?
- A. Partial eclipse.
- B. Total eclipse.
- C. Annular eclipse.
- D. Hybrid eclipse.
- Answer: B.
What is the type of solar eclipse that occurs when the Moon does not completely cover the Sun?
- A. Partial eclipse.
- B. Total eclipse.
- C. Annular eclipse.
- D. Hybrid eclipse.
- Answer: A.
What is the path that the Moon takes across the Sun during a solar eclipse called?
- A. Umbra.
- B. Penumbra.
- C. Antumbra.
- D. Corona.
- Answer: A.
What is the dark shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth during a solar eclipse called?
- A. Umbra.
- B. Penumbra.
- C. Antumbra.
- D. Corona.
- Answer: A.
What is the fainter shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth during a solar eclipse called?
- A. Umbra.
- B. Penumbra.
- C. Antumbra.
- D. Corona.
- Answer: B.
What is the outermost layer of the Sun called?
- A. Photosphere.
- B. Corona.
- C. Chromosphere.
- D. Granule.
- Answer: A.
What is the diamond ring effect that occurs during a total solar eclipse?
- A. The Sun’s corona appears as a bright ring around the Moon.
- B. The Sun’s chromosphere appears as a bright ring around the Moon.
- C. The Sun’s photosphere appears as a bright ring around the Moon.
- D. The Sun’s penumbra appears as a bright ring around the Moon.
- Answer: A.
How long does the totality of a total solar eclipse last?
- A. A few seconds.
- B. A few minutes.
- C. A few hours.
- D. A few days.
- Answer: B.
How often does a total solar eclipse occur in a particular location?
- A. Every year.
- B. Every 3 years.
- C. Every 7 years.
- D. Every 18 years.
- Answer: D.
What is the Saros cycle?
- A. A period of 18 years and 11 days during which the same pattern of solar eclipses repeats.
- B. A period of 29.5 days during which the Moon completes one orbit around the Earth.
- C. A period of 365 days during which the Earth completes one orbit around the Sun.
- D. A period of 72 years during which the same pattern of lunar eclipses repeats.
- Answer: A.
What is the longest total solar eclipse ever recorded?
- A. 7 minutes and 31 seconds.
- B. 7 minutes and 58 seconds.
- C. 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
- D. 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
- Answer: C.
What is the next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the United States?
- A. April 8, 2024.
- B. August 21, 2024.
- C. October 14, 2023.
- D. December 4, 2024.
- Answer: A.
What are the different ways to safely view a solar eclipse?
- A. Use special solar eclipse glasses or a solar filter.
- B. Project the image of the Sun onto a screen or a piece of paper.
- C. Use a pinhole camera.
- D. All of the above.
- Answer: D.
What are the dangers of looking directly at the Sun, even during a solar eclipse?
- A. It can cause temporary blindness.
- B. It can cause permanent blindness.
- C. It can cause eye damage.
- D. All of the above.
- Answer: D.
What is the best time to view a solar eclipse?
- A. During the partial phases of the eclipse.
- B. During the totality of the eclipse.
- C. At the beginning of the eclipse.
- D. At the end of the eclipse.
- Answer: B.
Where can I find information about upcoming solar eclipses?
- A. The American Astronomical Society website.
- B. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website.
- C. The Royal Astronomical Society website.
- D. All of the above.
- Answer: D.
What are some of the things to keep in mind when planning to view a solar eclipse?
- A. The location of the eclipse.
- The time of the eclipse.
- The weather conditions.
- The safety precautions to take.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What is the best way to learn more about solar eclipses?
- A. Read books and articles about solar eclipses.
- B. Watch educational videos about solar eclipses.
- C. Talk to an astronomer or a science teacher.
- D. All of the above.
- Answer: D.
2. Lunar Eclipse: The Moon in Earth’s Shadow
During a lunar eclipse, Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing our planet’s shadow to fall on the lunar surface. Explore the three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral. Understand the stunning transformation of the Moon as it enters the Earth’s shadow, with hues ranging from coppery red to dark gray.
MCQs on solar eclipse for competitive exams:
What is a lunar eclipse?
- A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, blocking the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon.
- A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light from reaching Earth.
- A lunar eclipse can be seen from most of Earth, while a solar eclipse can only be seen from a narrow path on Earth.
- Answer: A.
What are the different types of lunar eclipses?
- Total lunar eclipse: The Moon passes completely into the Earth’s shadow.
- Partial lunar eclipse: The Moon only partially enters the Earth’s shadow.
- Penumbral lunar eclipse: The Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra, but not its umbra.
- Total penumbral lunar eclipse: The Moon passes completely through the Earth’s penumbra.
- Hybrid lunar eclipse: The eclipse begins as a penumbral eclipse and then becomes a total lunar eclipse.
- Answer: A, B, C, D, and E.
What is the umbra?
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: A.
What is the penumbra?
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: B.
What is the antumbra?
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: C.
What is the corona?
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- Answer: D.
What is the blood moon?
- The blood moon is a lunar eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow during a full moon.
- The blood moon is caused by the Moon’s atmosphere scattering the blue light from the Sun, leaving only the red light to be reflected back to Earth.
- The blood moon is a rare phenomenon that can only be seen from certain parts of the world.
- Answer: A and B.
How often does a lunar eclipse occur?
- A lunar eclipse can occur every 29.5 days, but it can only be seen from certain parts of the world.
- A total lunar eclipse can only occur when the Moon is full and the Earth is in the new moon phase.
- A lunar eclipse can last for up to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- Answer: A, B, and C.
What is the Saros cycle?
- The Saros cycle is a period of 18 years and 11 days during which the same pattern of lunar eclipses repeats.
- The Saros cycle is caused by the fact that the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circular.
- The Saros cycle is also responsible for the fact that lunar eclipses can repeat in the same location every 18 years and 11 days.
- Answer: A.
What is the next lunar eclipse?
- The next lunar eclipse will occur on November 8, 2022.
- It will be a total lunar eclipse and will be visible from North and South America, Europe, and Africa.
- The next total lunar eclipse in the United States will occur on May 16, 2025.
- Answer: A.
What are the safety precautions that should be taken when viewing a lunar eclipse?
- Never look directly at the Moon during a lunar eclipse, even though it is dark.
- Use special lunar eclipse glasses or a solar filter to view the eclipse.
- Do not use binoculars or telescopes without a solar filter.
- Do not look at the eclipse through a camera or a smartphone.
- The light from the eclipse can damage your eyes.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the different ways to safely view a lunar eclipse?
- Use special lunar eclipse glasses or a solar filter.
- Project the image of the Moon onto a screen or a piece of paper.
- Use a pinhole camera.
- Look at the eclipse indirectly, such as through a telescope with a solar filter or by projecting the image of the eclipse onto a screen.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the dangers of looking directly at the Moon during a lunar eclipse?
- It can cause temporary blindness.
- It can cause permanent blindness.
- It can cause eye damage.
- It is not dangerous to look at the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
- Answer: C.
What is the best time to view a lunar eclipse?
- The best time to view a lunar eclipse is during the totality phase, when the Moon is completely in the Earth’s shadow.
- The totality phase is the darkest part of the eclipse and is the best time to see the details of the Moon’s surface.
- The totality phase can last for up to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- Answer: A.
Where can I find information about upcoming lunar eclipses?
- The American Astronomical Society website.
- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website.
- The Royal Astronomical Society website.
- The website.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are some of the things to keep in mind when planning to view a lunar eclipse?
- The location of the eclipse.
- The time of the eclipse.
- The weather conditions.
- The safety precautions to take.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What is the best way to learn more about lunar eclipses?
- Read books and articles about lunar eclipses.
- Watch educational videos about lunar eclipses.
- Talk to an astronomer or a science teacher.
- Visit the website of a space agency, such as NASA or ESA.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
3. Annular Eclipse: The Ring of Fire
An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is at its farthest point from Earth, resulting in a striking sight known as the “ring of fire.” Learn about the unique alignment that creates this phenomenon and witness the Sun’s disk appearing as a bright ring encircling the dark silhouette of the Moon.
MCQs on annular eclipse for competitive exams:
What is an annular eclipse?
- An annular eclipse is a type of solar eclipse where the Moon appears smaller than the Sun in the sky.
- This causes the Moon to completely cover the Sun’s disk, but not its corona.
- The result is a bright ring of sunlight around the Moon, which is why annular eclipses are sometimes called “ring of fire” eclipses.
- Answer: A.
What is the difference between an annular eclipse and a total eclipse?
- In a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun’s disk.
- In an annular eclipse, the Moon does not completely cover the Sun’s disk.
- This is because the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circular.
- The Moon’s distance from the Earth varies slightly, and when the Moon is farthest from the Earth, it appears slightly smaller in the sky.
- Answer: A and B.
What is the annular eclipse path?
- The annular eclipse path is the path that the Moon crosses the Sun’s disk during an annular eclipse.
- The annular eclipse path is narrower than the path of a total eclipse.
- This is because the Moon appears smaller in the sky during an annular eclipse.
- Answer: A.
What is the Ring of Fire effect?
- The Ring of Fire effect is the bright ring of sunlight that appears around the Moon during an annular eclipse.
- The Ring of Fire effect is caused by the Sun’s corona, which is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- The corona is normally too faint to see, but it becomes visible during an annular eclipse because the Moon blocks most of the Sun’s light.
- Answer: A.
How often does an annular eclipse occur?
- Annular eclipses occur about every 18 months.
- However, not all annular eclipses are visible from Earth.
- The annular eclipse path is narrow, so only people in a specific location can see the eclipse.
- Answer: A.
Where can I see an annular eclipse?
- The annular eclipse path is published several years in advance.
- You can find the annular eclipse path on the website of a space agency, such as NASA or ESA.
- You can also find information about annular eclipses on the website of an astronomy organization, such as the American Astronomical Society.
- Answer: A.
What are the safety precautions that should be taken when viewing an annular eclipse?
- Never look directly at the Sun during an annular eclipse, even though it is not completely covered by the Moon.
- Use special solar eclipse glasses or a solar filter to view the eclipse.
- Do not use binoculars or telescopes without a solar filter.
- Do not look at the eclipse through a camera or a smartphone.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the different ways to safely view an annular eclipse?
- Use special solar eclipse glasses or a solar filter.
- Project the image of the Sun onto a screen or a piece of paper.
- Use a pinhole camera.
- Look at the eclipse indirectly, such as through a telescope with a solar filter or by projecting the image of the eclipse onto a screen.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the dangers of looking directly at the Sun during an annular eclipse?
- It can cause temporary blindness.
- It can cause permanent blindness.
- It can cause eye damage.
- It is not dangerous to look at the Sun during an annular eclipse.
- Answer: A and B.
What is the next annular eclipse?
- The next annular eclipse will occur on October 14, 2023.
- The annular eclipse path will cross the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America.
- The annular eclipse will also be visible from parts of Europe and Africa.
- Answer: A.
4. Hybrid Eclipse: A Rare Combination
A hybrid eclipse is a rare occurrence that showcases characteristics of both total and annular eclipses. Discover the intriguing factors that contribute to this phenomenon and understand why hybrid eclipses are considered extraordinary events in the realm of celestial observations.
MCQs on hybrid eclipse for competitive exams:
What is a hybrid eclipse?
- A hybrid eclipse is a lunar eclipse that begins as a partial eclipse, but then becomes a total eclipse.
- The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circular, so its distance from the Earth varies slightly.
- When the Moon is closest to the Earth, it appears slightly larger in the sky, and can completely cover the Sun during a total eclipse.
- Answer: A and B.
How often does a hybrid eclipse occur?
- A hybrid eclipse occurs about once every 3 years.
- The next hybrid eclipse will occur on October 14, 2023.
- It will be visible from North and South America, Europe, and Africa.
- Answer: A and C.
What are the different phases of a hybrid eclipse?
- The first phase of a hybrid eclipse is the partial eclipse.
- During the partial eclipse, the Moon only partially covers the Sun.
- The second phase of a hybrid eclipse is the total eclipse.
- During the total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun.
- The third and final phase of a hybrid eclipse is the partial eclipse.
- During the partial eclipse, the Moon begins to move away from the Sun and only partially covers it again.
- Answer: A, B, and C.
What is the diamond ring effect?
- The diamond ring effect is a phenomenon that occurs during a total lunar eclipse.
- When the Moon completely covers the Sun, the sunlight is refracted by the Earth’s atmosphere and forms a bright ring around the Moon.
- The diamond ring effect is named after the resemblance of the bright ring to a diamond ring.
- Answer: A.
What are the safety precautions that should be taken when viewing a hybrid eclipse?
- Never look directly at the Moon during a hybrid eclipse, even though it is dark.
- Use special lunar eclipse glasses or a solar filter to view the eclipse.
- Do not use binoculars or telescopes without a solar filter.
- Do not look at the eclipse through a camera or a smartphone.
- The light from the eclipse can damage your eyes.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the different ways to safely view a hybrid eclipse?
- Use special lunar eclipse glasses or a solar filter.
- Project the image of the Moon onto a screen or a piece of paper.
- Use a pinhole camera.
- Look at the eclipse indirectly, such as through a telescope with a solar filter or by projecting the image of the eclipse onto a screen.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are the dangers of looking directly at the Moon during a hybrid eclipse?
- It can cause temporary blindness.
- It can cause permanent blindness.
- It can cause eye damage.
- It is not dangerous to look at the Moon during a hybrid eclipse.
- Answer: C.
What is the best time to view a hybrid eclipse?
- The best time to view a hybrid eclipse is during the totality phase, when the Moon is completely in the Earth’s shadow.
- The totality phase is the darkest part of the eclipse and is the best time to see the details of the Moon’s surface.
- The totality phase can last for up to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- Answer: A.
Where can I find information about upcoming hybrid eclipses?
- The American Astronomical Society website.
- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website.
- The Royal Astronomical Society website.
- The website.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
What are some of the things to keep in mind when planning to view a hybrid eclipse?
- The location of the eclipse.
- The time of the eclipse.
- The weather conditions.
- The safety precautions to take.
- Answer: A, B, C, and D.
5. Partial Eclipse
In a partial eclipse, only a portion of the Sun or Moon is obscured, creating a captivating spectacle. Dive into the intricacies of partial eclipses and witness the subtle dance between the celestial bodies as they align to create mesmerizing shadows and shapes.
You know that shadow is formed when something comes in the path of light and light cannot pass through it then a shadow is formed. The length and darkness of shadow depend upon the position of the source of light. The shadow will be short and dark when the sun will be just overhead at noon while the shadow will be longer and lighter in the morning and evening. Have you ever thought about why the shadow of a bird flying high up in the sky does not fall on the earth? This is because the distance between the bird and the Earth is large. The shadow of the bird and up at a short distance and if not seen on the earth.
MCQs on partial eclipse for competitive exams:
When does a partial eclipse happen?
- When the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra, but not its umbra.
- When the Moon passes completely into the Earth’s shadow.
- When the Moon only partially enters the Earth’s shadow.
- When the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, blocking the Sun’s light from reaching Earth.
- Answer: B.
What is the difference between a partial eclipse and a total eclipse?
- In a partial eclipse, only part of the Moon is covered by the Earth’s shadow.
- In a total eclipse, the entire Moon is covered by the Earth’s shadow.
- A partial eclipse can only occur when the Moon is full and the Earth is in the new moon phase.
- A total eclipse can occur when the Moon is full and the Earth is in the new moon phase.
- Answer: A and B.
How often does a partial eclipse occur?
- A partial eclipse can occur every 29.5 days, but it can only be seen from certain parts of the world.
- A total eclipse can only occur every 18 years and 11 days.
- A partial eclipse can last for up to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- A total eclipse can last for up to 7 minutes and 31 seconds.
- Answer: A.
What are the different types of partial eclipses?
- There are two main types of partial eclipses: penumbral eclipses and annular eclipses.
- Penumbral eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra, but not its umbra.
- Annular eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra, but the Moon appears smaller than the Sun.
- Answer: A and B.
What is the penumbra?
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: A.
What is the umbra?
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: B.
What is the antumbra?
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- Answer: C.
What is the corona?
- The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.
- The umbra is the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The penumbra is the fainter part of the Earth’s shadow.
- The antumbra is the shadow cast by the Moon’s umbra on the Earth.
- Answer: D.
How can I safely view a partial eclipse?
- You can safely view a partial eclipse by using special eclipse glasses or a solar filter.
- You can also project the image of the eclipse onto a screen or a piece of paper.
- Do not look directly at the eclipse without protection, as it can damage your eyes.
- Answer: A.
What are the dangers of viewing a partial eclipse without protection?
- It can cause temporary blindness.
- It can cause permanent blindness.
- It can cause eye damage.
- It is not dangerous to view a partial eclipse without protection.
- Answer: C.
सूर्य की आवाज सुनने के लिए क्लिक करें– सूर्य की आवाज
हिन्दी अनुवाद- आप जानते हैं कि जब प्रकाश के रास्ते में कोई वस्तु आती है और प्रकाश उस वस्तु से गुजर नहीं सकता तब उस वस्तु की छाया बनती है। छाया की लंबाई और गहनता प्रकाश स्रोत की स्थिति के ऊपर निर्भर करती है। छाया छोटी और गहन तब होती है, जब सूर्य दोपहर के समय ठीक सर के ऊपर होता है। किन्तु छाया लंबी और हल्की सुबह और शाम के समय होती हैं। क्या आपने सोचा है कि आकाश में बहुत ऊपर उड़ती हुई चिड़िया की परछाई धरती पर क्यों नहीं बनती है? इसका कारण यह है कि उड़ती हुई चिड़िया और धरती के बीच की दूरी बहुत अधिक होती है और चिड़िया की जो परछाई होती है, वह केवल छोटी दूरी तक ही जा पाती है और पृथ्वी तक नहीं पहुंच पाती है इसलिए आकाश में उड़ती हुई चिड़िया की परछाई धरती पर नहीं बनती है।
Listen to the sound of the Sun– The sound of the Sun
In our solar system when the sun, the earth, and the moon are directly in line with each other then Solar and lunar Eclipses occur.
A lunar eclipse occurs on Purnima when the Earth comes in a straight line between the sun and the moon. Lunar eclipses are of two types: Total Lunar Eclipse and Partial Lunar Eclipse. In a total lunar eclipse, the moon is totally covered by the earth’s shadow. While in a partial lunar eclipse only part of the moon is covered by the Earth’s shadow.
हिन्दी अनुवाद- चंद्र ग्रहण पूर्णिमा की तिथि को होता है, जब पृथ्वी सूर्य और चंद्रमा के बीच एक सीधी रेखा में आ जाती है । चंद्रग्रहण दो प्रकार का होता है पूर्ण चंद्र ग्रहण तथा आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण। पूर्ण चंद्र ग्रहण में चंद्रमा, पृथ्वी की छाया द्वारा पूरी तरह से ढक जाता है, जबकि आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण में चंद्रमा का एक हिस्सा ही पृथ्वी की छाया द्वारा ढकता है।
A solar eclipse occurs on Amavasya when the Moon comes in a straight line between the sun and the Earth. Solar eclipses are of Three types: Total Solar Eclipse, Partial Solar Eclipse, and Hybrid Solar Eclipse. In a total solar eclipse-the moon totally covered the sun’s light coming toward earth. In a partial solar eclipse, only part of the Sun is covered by the moon. While in a hybrid solar eclipse in some parts of the earth total solar eclipse observed while on some parts partial solar eclipse observed.
To see a solar eclipse click on the text — Solar Eclipse Video
हिन्दी अनुवाद- सूर्य ग्रहण अमावस्या तिथि को होता है, जब चंद्रमा एक सीधी रेखा में सूर्य और पृथ्वी के बीच आ जाता है । सूर्य ग्रहण तीन प्रकार के होते हैं पूर्ण सूर्यग्रहण, आंशिक सूर्यग्रहण और हाइब्रिड सूर्य ग्रहण । पूर्ण सूर्य ग्रहण में चंद्रमा सूर्य को पूरी तरह से ढक लेता है, जबकि आंशिक सूर्यग्रहण में चंद्रमा केवल सूर्य के एक हिस्से को ही ढक पाता है । हाइब्रिड सूर्य ग्रहण के समय पृथ्वी के कुछ हिस्से में पूर्ण सूर्य ग्रहण और कुछ हिस्से में आंशिक सूर्यग्रहण नजर आता है। इस प्रकार के सूर्य ग्रहण को हाइब्रिड या संकर सूर्य ग्रहण कहते हैं।
सूर्य ग्रहण की विडियो देखने के लिए क्लिक करें — सूर्य ग्रहण की विडियो
To see a solar eclipse click on the text — Solar Eclipse Video
सूर्य ग्रहण की विडियो देखने के लिए क्लिक करें — सूर्य ग्रहण की विडियो
सूर्य की आवाज सुनने के लिए क्लिक करें– सूर्य की आवाज
Eclipses are celestial ballets that remind us of the remarkable interplay between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. From the dramatic darkening of a solar eclipse to the captivating transformation of a lunar eclipse, these cosmic events offer glimpses into the grandeur of our universe. Keep your eyes to the skies and embrace the wonders of these extraordinary celestial phenomena.
Exercise for Practice
Exercise for Practice
Answer the following questions:
- How does a shadow form?
Ans: When something comes in the path of light and light cannot pass through it, a shadow is formed.
2. At what time of the day are shadows shortest?
Ans: When the sun is right overhead at noon your shadow will be darkest and shortest.
3. Why do we not see the shadow of the birds flying very high in the sky?
Ans: The shadow of a bird flying high up in the sky does not fall on the earth. Because the distance between the bird and the Earth is large. The shadow of the bird and up at a short distance and if not seen on the earth.
4. What are the types of eclipses?
Ans: The eclipses are of two types: The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse.
5. How does a solar eclipse takes place?
Ans: Sometimes when the moon orbits Earth, it moves between the sun and Earth. When this
happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the
sun or solar eclipse.
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